This section of Danube Logistic Information provides information about promoting transport on the Danube. Read here more about PIANC, Slovak Navigation Congress (SPK), Danube Commission and the Manual on Danube Navigation, as well as about SARIO, the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency.

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SARIO’s mission is to establish and utilise all possible incentives to increase foreign investment in Slovakia, while promoting Slovak companies in transforming them into high-performance and successful entities in the globalised world market.

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Manual on Danube Navigation

The Manual on Danube Navigation captures the Danube waterway in all of its achievements, development and services, and also identifies navigation traffic potential and opportunities still awaiting utilisation and support.

The manual is intended for inland waterway transport trainees and navigation enthusiasts. Because it is also a textbook for training in this sector, the Manual on Danube Navigation contributes significantly to the dissemination of knowledge and is able to inspire future customers in utilising environmentally friendly waterway shipping..

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Danube Commission

The Danube Commission is an international government organisation of 11 member states founded in 1949 under the Convention on Navigation on the Danube (Belgrade Convention). Its main objectives are enhanced navigability along the Danube particularly for cargo shipping, environmental protection, combating air pollution, upgrading of flood protection systems and intensifying economic development, tourism and culture in the regions.

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Slovak Navigation Congress

The Slovak Navigation Congress (SPK) is a volunteer interest group whose mission is to promote, develop and apply professional and scientific knowledge in designing, constructing and operating waterways, navigational structures and ports in the interest of Slovakia’s economic and cultural development. It brings together a number of waterway and navigation experts.

PIANC Organisation Logo


The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) is an international expert forum providing expert advice on cost-effective, reliable and sustainable infrastructures to facilitate waterway growth, connecting the top international experts. PIANC was established in 1885 and is the lead partner for the public and private sector in designing, developing and maintaining ports, waterways and coastlines.
